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Naturopath in Health and Wellness

Formely trained in the medical missionary field, Sebastien has travelled across continents including Europe, Asia, and North America and gained a well rounded practical and academical knowledge and experience in natural thereupatic treatments and remedies over the years.



Life Coach

Natascha was formely introduce to wholistic therapies at a very young age through her education, family owned wellness centre and health restaurant.  She has enriched her knowledge and experience in working and praticing with various holistic therapists and natural health promoters over the years in Germany and the UK.
She has worked with individual clients as well as groups.

Team: Our Team

Since our first encounter we have found that we share the same value. Consequently it has been our goal to be of service to our fellow men.

Through seminars, trainings, treatments and protocols, we hope to instill the true value of the human persona to others.


Team: Text
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